Bat Man Shimeji
2017 - 2021, Blife Team. Content provided on this website is FanArt. All product names, logos, characters, brands, trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners and unrelated to Custom Cursor.
Who the heck blogs about what they and their boyfriend(s) do on their dates? Now I’m not very experienced with this sort of thing, but shouldn’t these things be private? Kept between the guy and the girl, y’know…
But seriously, what? I mean, I get that girls talk to their girlfriends about these things to squeal and flail and fangirl and whatnot. I really do. I understand that. I’ve done it myself, though not on boyfriends (some of them ought to be, if you get me). But I do this with my friends. People I trust and would fangirl with if they were excited over a guy themselves. I don’t throw it on my blog and let random strangers read what I’ve said about, I dunno, the way I get kissed or the size of my boyfriend’s d-
Why would you tell us what you and your boyfriend did and didn’t do? Why would you tell us what you both were talking about in the bedroom? We don’t want to know! That’s your relationship, not ours! It’s real life! Not a novel! You don’t have to tell us!
Superhero Bitmoji Maker
(On another note, your two ‘stories’ didn’t really link up…)
We also don’t have to know the style of kissing the both of you use, by the way. Honest. We’re fine without knowing.

Batman Shimeji
I don’t understand some people…
Psst… I have a mini batman crawling around my screen! He’s adorable!
And just as I uploaded that, this happened.
Zuko Shimeji
Shimeji are little desktop companions that run around your computer screen, be it mischief or cuteness depending on the shimeji you use! Pick from the best characters drawn by artists all over the world. Shimeji requires Java and runs only on Windows.
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Shimeji-ee is an open source project. This website hosts my personal improvements to the software. You can find all sorts of characters to download online as well as at my DeviantArt group.