Jailbreak Beta Lua C Scripts

Jan 5th, 2015

Roblox Jailbreak Hack Script Noclip Walkspeed Lua C Scripts Roblox Pastebin Roblox Walkspeed Script Baldi Pastebincom. A great new exploit with alot of quick commands and a nice LUA C excutor and a. New roblox camping demon roblox exploit angel beta lua script executor. Background script. The optional background script offers RTC synchronization and RSSI through MSP. It can be setup as a special or global function in OpenTX. The image below shows how to run the background script as a special function. Unstable Testing Versions. Unstable testing versions of the latest builds of the Lua Script can be downloaded.

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  1. ##
  2. # Nazwa: JailBreak #
  3. # Licencja skryptu:#
  4. #- Usuwanie tresci o autorze! #
  5. #- Uzywanie kodu skryptu w swoich skryptach! #
  6. #* Zezwalam na:#
  7. #+ Modyfikowanie wiadomosci! #
  8. nazwaskryptu: jailbreak
  9. hajszastone:10
  10. nazwagliniarza: &1Gliniarz
  11. # NIE EDYTUJ! #
  12. {hercore::hercore} is set:
  13. on script unload:
  14. variables:
  15. {poziom.%player%}=0
  16. {zarobki.%player%}=0
  17. # komenda gracza #
  18. command /jail [<text>][<player>][<text>]:
  19. arg 1 is not set:
  20. send '&6---------[ {@tag} ]----------'
  21. send '&c/jail graj &6- dobrowolnie wchodzisz rozrywkowo do wiezienia, zawsze mozesz wyjsc'
  22. send '&c/jail przymknij <gracz> <powod> &6- przymusowo zamyka gracza, bez mozliwosci wyjscia'
  23. send '&c/jail wyjdz &6- jezeli nie zostales zamkniety, wychodzisz z wiezienia'
  24. {jail.%player%} is false:
  25. teleport player to {wejscie.wiezienia}
  26. set {ekwipunek.%player%} to serialized inventory of player
  27. send '&6Wchodzisz do wiezienia'
  28. if has permission 'jail.zamykanie' or 'jail.admin':
  29. arg 3 is set:
  30. player-argument has permission 'jail.niezamykanie':
  31. send '&cTen gracz nie moze byc zamkniety w wiezieniu'
  32. set {jail.przymus.%player-argument%} to true
  33. send '&cZostales uwieziony przez %player%. Powod: %arg 3%' to player-argument
  34. set {ekwipunek.%player-argument%} to serialized inventory of player-argument
  35. else:
  36. else:
  37. else:
  38. arg 1 is 'wyjdz':
  39. {jail.przymus.%player%} is false:
  40. clear player's inventory
  41. restore inventory of player from {ekwipunek.%player%}
  42. set {jail.%player%} to false
  43. send '&4Jestes przymusowo w wiezieniu, musisz odbyc kare'
  44. send '&6-------[ {@tag} &6]-------'
  45. send '&cherhor67.tk'
  46. #--------------------------#
  47. #--------------------------#
  48. {jail.%player%} is true:
  49. set {_y} to location of player
  50. {jail.%player%} is true:
  51. stop
  52. send '&4Nie mozesz sie teleportowac'
  53. else:
  54. send '&4Jestes w wiezieniu przymusowo, nie mozesz uzywac zadnych komend'
  55. on break:
  56. {jail.%player%} is true:
  57. send '&cJestes w wiezieniu, mozesz kopac tylko Kamien lub Bruk'
  58. {jail.%player%} is true:
  59. send '&6Jestes w wiezieniu, mozesz tylko kopac Kamien lub Bruk'
  60. victim is villager:
  61. {jail.%attacker%} is true:
  62. send '&cNie mozesz bic policjantow' to attacker
  63. #-------------------------------------------#
  64. #-------------------------------------------#
  65. command /jailustaw [<text>][<text>]:
  66. permission message:'&cNie jestes adminem, nie mozesz tego zrobic'
  67. arg 1 is 'ustaw':
  68. set {wejscie.wiezienia} to location of player
  69. arg 2 is 'wyjscie':
  70. send '&6Ustawiles wyjscie'
  71. arg 2 is 'handlarz':
  72. apply slowness to last spawned entity for9999999999999999999999999999999 days
  73. apply resistance 20 to last spawned entity for999999999999999999999999999999999 days
  74. set the name of last spawned entity to '&c{@nazwadajacegokase}'
  75. send '&2Zespawnowales osadnika zamieniajacego cobble i surowce na hajs'
  76. spawn villager at location of player
  77. apply resistance 20 to last spawned entity for999999999999999999999999999999999 days
  78. apply slowness to last spawned entity for9999999999999999999999999999999 days
  79. set the name of last spawned entity to '&1{@nazwagliniarza}'
  80. send '&2Zespawnowales osadnika odbierajacego kaucje'
  81. execute player command '/rg define jailskrypt'
  82. execute player command '/rg setpriority jailskrypt 5'
  83. #--------------------------#
  84. #--------------------------#
  85. name of clicked entity is '&c{@nazwadajacegokase}':
  86. if player has 64 cobblestone:
  87. add 64 to {zarobki.%player%}
  88. remove32 cobblestone from player
  89. elseif player has 16 cobblestone:
  90. add 16 to {zarobki.%player%}
  91. send '&cMasz za mało bruku aby go zamienic na kaucje'
  92. if name of clicked entity is '&1{@nazwagliniarza}':
  93. if{zarobki.%player%} is greater than 50:
  94. if{poziom.%player%} is less than {@iloscpoziomow}:
  95. send '&6Jestes teraz w sektorze &c%{poziom.%player%}%&6/&c{@iloscpoziomow}'
  96. else:
  97. send '&2Gratulacje! Wyszedles z wiezienia'
  98. clear player's inventory
  99. restore inventory of player from {ekwipunek.%player%}
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Jailbreak Beta Lua C Scripts Copy And Paste

Jailbreak beta lua c scripts pastebin

Lua C Scripts Roblox