Kaito Momota Shimeji

This article covers information about Kaito Momota's Free Time Events, which feature in the game Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. For the Date events featured in Danganronpa V3's bonus mode Love Across the Universe: Dangan Salmon Team, see: Love Across the Universe/Kaito Momota. 1 Availability 2 Locations 3 Presents 3.1 Present Reactions 4 Skills Granted 5 Free Time Event Dialogue & Option. Kaito Momotais a student of Class 79 of Hope's Peak Academy and a participant of Hope's Peak Killing Game (A New Luck). He is one of the many canon Danganronpacharacters featured in the stories. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Talent 3.1 Ultimate Astronaut 4 History 4.1 Backstory 4.2 A New Luck 4.3 Pre-Reboot Canon 4.3.1 A New Hope 5 Trivia 6 Gallery Kaito is a tall, young man with gel-spiked.

It was never specified, no, but it was highly implied he hasthe same strain of virus that was mentioned in Chapter 5, with the Hope’s Peakremember light. The virus was supposedly brought to earth for the first time bythe meteorites which kept crashing down on earth’s surface, and part of thereason for why the ndrv3 characters were selected for the “Gopher Plan” in theremember light was due to their immunity to that virus.

Kaito momota shimeji vs

Kaito Momota Shimeji Episode 1

According to the Hope’s Peak remember light used in Chapter5, the virus “wiped out most of humanity overnight”—but as we know, that bit ismade up. There’s no way the characters can be the “last survivors of humanity,”because there’s still an audience for the killing game show, and thereforestill a society outside. However, while I don’t believe the virus “killed offmost of humanity,” I am inclined tothink that it is real for several reasons, as well as that it did kill off aconsiderable size of the population.

The first reason why I believe the virus is real even ifmost of the remember lights’ content was made up is because the existence ofthe virus is foreshadowed long before its reveal in Chapter 5. Ouma lampshadesit as early as Chapter 3, stating that with twists like meteors falling fromthe sky and an extremist religious cult, he “wouldn’t be surprised if somevirus from space came next.” All the characters dismiss his theory as being “toounrealistic, like something out of a sci-fi,” but Ouma reminds them that they’reall practically living in a sci-fi already at Saishuu Academy.

Kaito Momota Shimeji X

Another reason is because when the virus is finallyaddressed in Chapter 5, Saihara also arrives at the same conclusion. That’s notto say that every guess he ever makes is correct (obviously, he gets quite afew things wrong), but it’s not as though we’re presented with any otheralternatives to Momota’s illness. When he and Momota reunite briefly at thepost-trial for Chapter 5, Saihara says that he assumes Momota must have thesame virus that they saw in the Hope’s Peak remember light.

Kaito Momota Shimeji Wa

Momota, who didn’t use that remember light, is simplyconfused and bewildered. And the biggest piece of evidence that suggests thatthe virus is real is the fact that he can’t remember ever being sick in any ofhis memories—memories which were given to him by the remember lights, and thereforeby Tsumugi and team Danganronpa. He specifically states that he has no memories of ever being sick or unhealthyat his astronaut training, suggesting that Tsumugi had absolutely no idea thathe was sick because he wasn’t presenting symptoms prior to Chapter 3, and evenwhen he did start presenting them, he hid them from the rest of the group.

It would certainly explain why Tsumugi seems so genuinelystartled and even somewhat scared to find out that he was sick in the Chapter 5post-trial. We know she never once cared about Momota or any of the othercharacters as a friend—her reaction to finding out that he was sick and dyingreads less like she’s concerned about his health, and much more like she’sconcerned about having been living in close contact with an extremely sick person.

She tries to bounce back in Chapter 6 by claiming to havewritten Momota’s illness as part of a pre-scripted scenario for his character,but this is perhaps one of the easiest and most blatant lies to catch her in.She could not have planned the virus as part of his character, or given it tohim, simply because she obviously didn’t know about it. If she had, then hewould’ve had memories of being ill in his astronaut training and other memoriespertaining to his backstory. The fact that she didn’t is what really sells meon the idea that the virus itself has to be real.

As for what we know about this virus, since it’s a fictionalillness and not something that exists in our world… there isn’t much. We knowit’s fast-acting, because Momota’s symptoms rapidly worsen from the first timehe starts showing them in Chapter 3. We know that it involves coughing blood,and that it supposedly spreads pretty rapidly to anyone without a naturalimmunity (I’m reminded of Stephen King’s TheStand). And we know that it’ssupposedly uncureable, at least for the time being.

Whether or not Hope’s Peak actually exists in the ndrv3universe, even if it did, the remember lights themselves suggest that Hope’sPeak couldn’t do anything about the virus. Saihara and the others are subjectedto an unusual remember light at the end of the Chapter 5 post-trial, slightlydifferent from all the previous ones, which makes them have recurringflashbacks about Hope’s Peak throughout the course of their investigation.These flashbacks aren’t meant to inspire “despair” in them, but instead aremeant to inspire “hope,” and encourage them to collect evidence and try to “endthe killing game” in a way suitable for Danganronpa.

Kaito Momota Shimeji Character

In those flashbacks, Saihara and the others rememberattending Hope’s Peak, Naegi as headmaster requesting that they participate inthe Gopher Plan, and several of their sick classmates asking them to go throughwith it as well, “so they can live on for their sakes.” These remember lightflashbacks seem pretty obviously fake and sketchy even compared to previous ones,so I am inclined to think these are all fake—however, this at least suggeststhat in Tsumugi’s fictional set-up, Hope’s Peak is not capable of curing the virus either.

All of this leads me to believe that even if Momota hadactually attended Hope’s Peak and had access to better medical care, it would’vedone nothing but postpone his death, rather than cure him. Even in the Hope’sPeak arc, the only medical-related talents we’ve seen in detail are Mikan’s,Seiko’s, and Matsuda’s. But a nurse, a pharmacist, and a neurosurgeon aren’texactly capable of analyzing a virus that came from outer space and finding aspecific cure. Seiko might stand the best chance at actually doing something, but if dr3 is anything to gooff of, her expertise is once again in postponing and delaying the inevitable, ratherthan outright curing it.

I think without the stress of the killing game going onaround him, in a more peaceful environment with better medical care, Momotamight have stood a better chance at living for a while longer. But probably nota lot longer. Stress and reactions like reckless violence or anger seem toexacerbate his symptoms in-game (another reason why Ouma wanted him to “coolhis head” in Chapter 5, since he was literally only getting himself killed bygetting so worked up and angry). So presumably, as long as he didn’t get sostressed or worked up, his body wouldn’t start breaking down quite as fast.

Kaito Momota Shimeji Episode

All of this is speculation, of course. We know very, verylittle about the virus, and what we do know about it is wrapped up in severalof Tsumugi’s other lies, like the Hope’s Peak remember light. The most I cansay is that the virus itself definitely seems to be real, and thereforewhatever Momota had is probably not linked to a real-life disease with areal-life cure. I hope this helps, anon!