Kokichi Ouma Shimeji
This kokichi oma shimeji created by straitjakk from the shimeji pack danganronpa will move around on your screen and interacts with your browser windows while you browsing the web. Kokichi ouma new danganronpa v3. Working on a Kokichi Shimeji. About 1/3 of the way done I think. Here's a few of the sprites. Used too big of a canvas so gotta figure out how to fix that but they'll sit on the taskbar correctly when I'm done lol. Gonna be a version without the hat and cape for those who prefer it eventually too. This Kokichi Oma shimeji created by StraitJakk from the shimeji pack Danganronpa will move around on your screen and interacts with your browser windows while you browsing the web. Install the Shimeji Browser Extension for Google Chrome and download Kokichi Oma below to get this little Danganronpa character on your desktop.
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Kokichi Ouma Shimeji Download
bi-one asked:
Hi I love your Shimeji, but I can't figure out how to make it so I can put them all in one file. Do you know how to do that so I can summon a lot at once or is that not possible?
I’m kind of bad at explaining things, so if you have any questions, just send me another message and I’ll explain it as best as I can.
For this example, I am going to make a folder that can summon each shimeji from Danganronpa Ultra Despair girls.
First, we need a shimeji folder that has all of the usual conf folders and everything, so I am just going to copy-paste one of the shimejis I already have and rename it.
I copy pasted my Genocider Syo shimeji and renamed it DRAEUDG (the abbreviation for Danganronpa Another Episode Ultra Despair Girls).
Inside my new DRAEUDG folder, it has the conf folders, img, and .jar files like any normal shimeji. Go into the img folder.
In here you will find the folder with all of the shime png files. For my example, there is a folder here called Genocider.
First, I’m going to add Komaru to my DRAEUDG folder. Open Komaru Naegi’s shimeji folder in another window. Go to her img folder and take the folder named ‘Komaru’ and move that to DRAEUDG’s folder. Now you have both the Komaru and Genocider folders.
I’m going to repeat the same for the rest of the UDG characters until I have all of the characters I want.
Now go back to the DRAEUDG folder and open up the conf folder.
Open the settings file in notepad. At the bottom of the notepad, it says ActiveShimeji=Genocider
That’s telling the program which shimejis we want it to summon, and since we want more than Genocider to show up, we have to add everyone else’s names. We do this by adding a slash right after Genocider’s name and adding the next image set folder’s name. It’s going to look like this:
Kokichi Ouma Shimeji
Now when you open your shimeji .jar file, all of them will open at once!
They will all use the same single icon in the taskbar tray. This icon comes from the png file in the img folder named “icon.” You can change the icon to whatever you want! I’m going to change my icon to say UDG.
If you’re going to use any shimeji from Danganronpa v3 or Super Danganronpa 2, there’s going to be an extra step.
Back when I was making the shimeji for v3 and sdr2, I couldn’t figure out how to rename their img folders to their own name without making the whole program crash.
Kokichi Ouma was my first shimeji, and by the time I was making my second shimeji, I couldn’t remember what I needed to do to rename the folder inside the img folder. So I just kept the Kokichi folder and replaced the images inside instead of trying to rename it.
Kokichi Ouma Shimeji Download
Because of that, in Amami Rantaro’s shimeji folder, instead of his image set being in a folder called “Amami,” its in a folder called “Kokichi”. It’s the same for anyone in drv3 and sdr2.
So the extra step is you just have to rename everyone’s Kokichi img folder to their own name before you put it in your new img folder, otherwise everything will copy over itself.
Kokichi Ouma Shimeji
Sorry if this is confusing! If you have any questions, please ask!