Lua C God Mode Script

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  2. Lua C God Mode Script Pastebin
  3. Lua C God Mode Script Roblox
  4. Lua God Mode Script

Mad City God Mode Script. Roblox Fly Script Lua C. Arsip Blog 2020 (33). Roblox Script Showcase Episode 886 Spinning Leek W. CREATE TABLE `bans` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT, `type` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - ip banishment, 2 - namelock, 3 - account banishment, 4 - notation, 5 - deletion', `value` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ip address (integer), player guid or account number', `param` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT COMMENT 'used only for ip banishment mask (integer)', `active.

Feel free to ask the EDuke32 developers any questions you may have.

NOTE: Most defaults were taken from a Windows build.


osdeditpalsets the palette of the OSD input text0MAXPALOOKUPS-112
osdpromptpalsets the palette of the OSD prompt0MAXPALOOKUPS-10
osdtextpalsets the palette of the OSD text0MAXPALOOKUPS-112
osdeditshadesets the shade of the OSD input text070
osdtextshadesets the shade of the OSD text072
osdpromptshadesets the shade of the OSD promptINT8_MININT8_MAX0
osdrowssets the number of visible lines of the OSD140020
osdtextmodeset OSD text mode (0:graphical, 1:fast)010
osdlogcutoffsets the maximal line count of the log file0262144131072
osdhistorydepthsets the history depth, in linesOSDMINHISTORYDEPTHOSDMAXHISTORYDEPTH32
aliascreates an alias for calling multiple commands
clearclears the console text buffer
echo [text]echoes text to the console
exec <scriptfile>executes a script
fileinfo <file>gets a file's information
helpdisplays help for the specified cvar or command; 'listsymbols' to show all commands
historydisplays the console command history
listsymbolslists all registered functions, cvars and aliases
toggletoggles the value of a boolean cvar
unaliasremoves a command alias
r_usenewaspectenable/disable new screen aspect ratio determination code011
r_screenaspectif using r_usenewaspect and in fullscreen, screen aspect ratio in the form XXYY, e.g. 1609 for 16:9099990
r_novoxmipsturn off/on the use of mipmaps when rendering 8-bit voxels011
r_voxelsenable/disable automatic sprite->voxel rendering011
r_tror_nomaskpassenable/disable additional pass in TROR software rendering011TROR-enabled builds only
r_windowpositioningenable/disable window position memory010
vid_gammaadjusts gamma component of gamma ramp0101
vid_contrastadjusts contrast component of gamma ramp0101
vid_brightnessadjusts brightness component of gamma ramp0100
debug1debug counter-1000001000000debug builds only
debug2debug counter-1000001000000debug builds only
debug_maskdrawmodeShow mask draw orders010debug builds only
setrendermode <number>sets the engine's rendering mode0
hicsetpalettetintsets palette tinting valuesdebug builds only
glinfoshows OpenGL information about the current OpenGL modeOpenGL-enabled builds only
r_animsmoothingenable/disable model animation smoothing011
r_downsizecontrols downsizing factor (quality) for hires textures050
r_fullbrightsenable/disable fullbright textures011
r_parallaxskyclampingenable/disable parallaxed floor/ceiling sky texture clamping011
r_parallaxskypanningenable/disable parallaxed floor/ceiling panning when drawing a parallaxing sky010
r_detailmappingenable/disable detail mapping011disabled when GL extensions are disabled, such as GL ES targets
r_glowmappingenable/disable glow mapping011disabled when GL extensions are disabled, such as GL ES targets
r_polygonmodedebugging feature030disabled in GL ES targets
r_texcacheenable/disable OpenGL compressed texture cache022disabled in GL ES targets
r_memcacheenable/disable texture cache memory cache011disabled in GL ES targets
r_texcomprenable/disable OpenGL texture compression011disabled in GL ES targets
r_redbluemodeenable/disable experimental OpenGL red-blue glasses mode010currently disabled
r_shadescalemultiplier for shading0101
r_shadescale_unboundedenable/disable allowance of complete blackness010
r_swapintervalsets the GL swap interval (VSync)-110
r_npotwallmodeenable/disable emulation of walls with non-power-of-two height textures (Polymost, r_hightile 0)010
r_anisotropychanges the OpenGL texture anisotropy setting0161
r_texturemaxsizechanges the maximum OpenGL texture size limit0409614
r_texturemiplevelchanges the highest OpenGL mipmap level used060
r_texfilterchanges the texture filtering settings052
r_usenewshadingvisibility/fog code: 0: orig. Polymost 1: 07/2011 2: linear 12/2012 3: no neg. start 03/2014033
r_usetileshadesenable/disable Polymost tile shade textures022
r_vbocountsets the number of Vertex Buffer Objects to use when drawing models125664disabled when GL extensions are disabled, such as GL ES targets
r_vbosenable/disable using Vertex Buffer Objects when drawing models011disabled when GL extensions are disabled, such as GL ES targets
r_vertexarraysenable/disable using vertex arrays when drawing models011
r_projectionhackenable/disable projection hack011
r_modelsenable/disable model rendering011
r_nofogenable/disable GL fog010
r_hightileenable/disable hightile texture rendering011
r_preview_mouseaimtoggles mouse aiming preview, use this to calibrate yxaspect in Polymost Mapster32011
polymost.c (Polymer builds only)
r_pr_lightingenable/disable dynamic lights - restarts renderer021
r_pr_normalmappingenable/disable virtual displacement mapping011
r_pr_specularmappingenable/disable specular mapping011
r_pr_shadowsenable/disable dynamic shadows011
r_pr_shadowcountmaximal amount of shadow emitting lights on screen - you need to restart the renderer for it to take effect0645
r_pr_shadowdetailsets the shadow map resolution - you need to restart the renderer for it to take effect054
r_pr_shadowfilteringenable/disable shadow edges filtering - you need to restart the renderer for it to take effect011
r_pr_maxlightpassesthe maximal amount of lights a single object can by affected by0PR_MAXLIGHTS5
r_pr_maxlightprioritylowering that value removes less meaningful lights from the scene0PR_MAXLIGHTPRIORITY6
r_pr_fovsets the field of vision in build angle01023426
r_pr_customaspectif non-zero, forces the 3D view aspect ratio030
r_pr_billboardingmodeface sprite display method. 0: classic mode; 1: polymost mode011
r_pr_verbosityverbosity level of the polymer renderer031
r_pr_wireframetoggles wireframe mode010
r_pr_vboscontols Vertex Buffer Object usage. 0: no VBOs. 1: VBOs for map data. 2: VBOs for model data.022
r_pr_bucketscontrols batching of primitives. 0: no batching. 1: buckets of materials.010
r_pr_gpusmoothingtoggles model animation interpolation011
r_pr_overrideparallaxoverrides parallax mapping scale and bias values with values from the pr_parallaxscale and pr_parallaxbias cvars; use it to fine-tune DEF tokens010
r_pr_parallaxscaleoverriden parallax mapping offset scale-10100.1
r_pr_parallaxbiasoverriden parallax mapping offset bias-10100
r_pr_overridespecularoverrides specular material power and factor values with values from the pr_specularpower and pr_specularfactor cvars; use it to fine-tune DEF tokens010
r_pr_specularpoweroverriden specular material power-10100015
r_pr_specularfactoroverriden specular material factor-1010001
r_pr_highpalookupsenable/disable highpalookups011
r_pr_artmappingenable/disable art mapping011
r_pr_overridehudoverrides hud model parameters with values from the pr_hud* cvars; use it to fine-tune DEF tokens010
r_pr_hudxaddoverriden HUD xadd; see r_pr_overridehud-1001000
r_pr_hudyaddoverriden HUD yadd; see r_pr_overridehud-1001000
r_pr_hudzaddoverriden HUD zadd; see r_pr_overridehud-1001000
r_pr_hudangaddoverriden HUD angadd; see r_pr_overridehud-102410240
r_pr_hudfovoverriden HUD fov; see r_pr_overridehud01023426
r_pr_overridemodelscaleoverrides model scale if non-zero; use it to fine-tune DEF tokens05000
r_pr_ati_fboworkaroundenable this to workaround an ATI driver bug that causes sprite shadows to be square - you need to restart the renderer for it to take effect010
r_pr_ati_nodepthoffsetenable this to workaround an ATI driver bug that causes sprite drawing to freeze the game on Radeon X1x00 hardware - you need to restart the renderer for it to take effect010
r_pr_nullrenderdisable all draws when enabled, 2: disables updates too030
r_togglecompositionenable/disable toggle of desktop composition when initializing screen modes011Windows builds only
maxrefreshfreqmaximum display frequency to set for OpenGL Polymost modes (0=no maximum)60RENDERTYPE=WIN builds only

Lua Script Download


Lua C God Mode Script Pastebin

restartvidreinitialise the video mode
vidmode [xdim ydim] [bpp] [fullscreen]immediately change the video mode
map [filename]load a map
crosshairenable/disable crosshair011
cl_autoaimenable/disable weapon autoaim031
cl_automsgenable/disable automatically sending messages to all players010
cl_autorunenable/disable autorun011
cl_autovoteenable/disable automatic voting020
cl_cheatmaskconfigure what cheats show in the cheats menu0~00
cl_obituariesenable/disable multiplayer death messages011
cl_democamsenable/disable demo playback cameras011
cl_idplayersenable/disable name display when aiming at opponents011
cl_runmodeenable/disable modernized run key operation010
cl_showcoordsshow your position in the game world020mode 2 only in GL builds
cl_viewbobenable/disable player head bobbing011
cl_weaponswayenable/disable player weapon swaying011
cl_weaponswitchenable/disable auto weapon switching073
colorchanges player palette0MAXPALOOKUPS-10
crosshairscalechanges the size of the crosshair1010050
demorec_diffsenable/disable diff recording in demos011
demorec_forceenable/disable forced demo recording010
demorec_diffticssets game tic interval after which a diff is recorded260*REALGAMETICSPERSEC60
demorec_diffcompressCompression method for diffs. (0: none, 1: KSLZW)011
demorec_synccompressCompression method for input. (0: none, 1: KSLZW)011
demorec_seedsenable/disable recording of random seed for later sync checking011
demoplay_diffsenable/disable application of diffs in demo playback011
demoplay_showsyncenable/disable display of sync status011
hud_althudenable/disable alternate mini-hud021
hud_bgstretchenable/disable background image stretching in wide resolutions010
hud_messagetimelength of time to display multiplayer chat messages03600120
hud_numbertilefirst tile in alt hud number set0MAXUSERTILES-102930
hud_numberpalpal for alt hud numbers0MAXPALOOKUPS-10
hud_shadowsenable/disable althud shadows011
hud_flashingenable/disable althud flashing011
hud_glowingquotesenable/disable 'glowing' quote text011
hud_scalechanges the hud scale36100100
hud_showmapnameenable/disable map name display on load011
hud_statsenable/disable level statistics display010
hud_textscalesets multiplayer chat message size100400100
hud_weaponscalechanges the weapon scale10100100
hud_statusbarmodechange overlay mode of status bar011
hud_hidestickhide the touch input stick010touch devices only
in_joystickenables input from the joystick if it is present010
in_mouseenables input from the mouse if it is present011
in_aimmode0:toggle, 1:hold to aim010
in_mousebiasemulates the original mouse code's weighting of input towards whichever axis is moving the most at any given time0320
in_mousedeadzoneamount of mouse movement to filter out05120
in_mouseflipinvert vertical mouse movement011
in_mousemodetoggles vertical mouse view011
in_mousesmoothingenable/disable mouse input smoothing011
mus_enabledenables/disables music011
mus_volumecontrols music volume0255195
osdhightileenable/disable hires art replacements for console text011
osdscaleadjust console text size141
r_camrefreshdelayminimum delay between security camera sprite updates, 120 = 1 second12404
r_drawweaponenable/disable weapon drawing021
r_showfpsshow the frame rate counter020
r_shadowsenable/disable sprite and model shadows011
r_sizechange size of viewable area0644
r_rotatespritenowidescreenpass bit 1024 to all CON rotatesprite calls010
r_precacheenable/disable the pre-level caching routine011
r_ambientlightsets the global map light level0101
r_maxfpslimit the frame rate010000
sensitivitychanges the mouse sensitivity0257
skillchanges the game skill setting052
snd_ambienceenables/disables ambient sounds011
snd_duketalkenables/disables Duke's speech055
snd_enabledenables/disables sound effects011
snd_mastervolumemaster volume for sound system0255255
snd_fxvolumevolume of sound effects1255225
snd_mixratesound mixing rate04800044100
snd_numchannelsthe number of sound channels022
snd_numvoicesthe number of concurrent sounds025632
snd_reversestereoreverses the stereo channels010
teamchange team in multiplayer030
touch_sens_move_xtouch input sensitivity for moving forward/back195touch devices only
touch_sens_move_ytouch input sensitivity for strafing195touch devices only
touch_sens_look_xtouch input sensitivity for turning left/right195touch devices only
touch_sens_look_ytouch input sensitivity for looking up/down195touch devices only
touch_invertinvert look up/down touch input010touch devices only
vid_gammaadjusts gamma component of gamma ramp0101
vid_contrastadjusts contrast component of gamma ramp0101
vid_brightnessadjusts brightness component of gamma ramp0100
wchoice <string>sets weapon autoselection order3457860291
changelevel <volume> <level>warps to the given levelno <volume> parameter when running a shareware game
map <mapfile>loads the given user mapnot available with a shareware game
demo <demofile or demonum>starts the given demonot available with a shareware game
addpath <path>adds path to game filesystem
bind <key> <string>associates a keypress with a string of console input. Type 'bind showkeys' for a list of keys and 'listsymbols' for a list of valid console commands.
cmenu <#>jumps to menu
crosshaircolorchanges the crosshair color
connectconnects to a multiplayer game
disconnectdisconnects from the local multiplayer game
give <all|health|weapons|ammo|armor|keys|inventory>gives requested item
godtoggles god mode
initgroupfile <path>adds a grp file into the game filesystem
debugdebug builds only
kick <id>kicks a multiplayer client. See builds only
kickban <id>kicks a multiplayer client and prevents them from reconnecting. See builds only
listplayerslists currently connected multiplayer clientsnetwork-enabled builds only
music E<ep>L<lev>change music
namechange your multiplayer nickname
nocliptoggles clipping mode
passwordsets multiplayer game password
quicksaveperforms a quick save
quickloadperforms a quick load
quitexits the game immediately
exitexits the game immediately
restartmaprestarts the current map
restartsoundreinitializes the sound system
restartvidreinitializes the video mode
addlogvar <gamevar>prints the value of a gamevarnon-Lunatic builds only
setvar <gamevar> <value>sets the value of a gamevarnon-Lunatic builds only
setvarvar <gamevar1> <gamevar2>sets the value of <gamevar1> to <gamevar2>non-Lunatic builds only
setactorvar <actor#> <gamevar> <value>sets the value of <actor#>'s <gamevar> to <value>non-Lunatic builds only
lua 'Lua code...'runs Lunatic codeLunatic builds only
screenshottakes a screenshot. See r_scrcaptureformat.
spawn <picnum> [palnum] [cstat] [ang] [x y z]spawns a sprite with the given properties
unbind <key>unbinds a key
unbindallunbinds all keys
vidmode <xdim> <ydim> <bpp> <fullscreen>change the video mode


restartvidreinitialize the video mode
vidmode <xdim> <ydim> <bpp> <fullscreen>immediately change the video mode
vidmode <xdim> <ydim>immediately change the video mode
addpath <path>adds path to game filesystem
editorgridextentsets the size of the 2D mode editing grid65536BXY_MAX131072
initgroupfile <path>adds a grp file into the game filesystem
m32_clippingtoggles clipping mode022
quitexits the editor immediately
exitexits the editor immediately
sensitivity <value>changes the mouse sensitivity1
m32_2d3dmodeexperimental 2d/3d hybrid mode010
pointhighlightdist <value>distance at which points are selected512
linehighlightdist <value>distance at which lines are selected1024
pk_turnaccel <value>sets turning acceleration+deceleration125616
pk_turndecel <value>sets turning deceleration112812
pk_uedaccel <value>sets UnrealEd movement speed factor (0-5, exponentially)053
pk_quickmapcyclingtoggles quick cycling of maps with (Shift-)Ctrl-X011
testplay_addparam 'string'sets additional parameters for test playing
show_heightindicators {0, 1 or 2}sets display of height indicators in 2D mode021
show_ambiencesounds {0, 1 or 2}sets display of MUSICANDSFX circles in 2D mode022
corruptcheck_noalreadyrefdtoggles ignoring of one-to-many red wall connections
corruptcheck_game_duke3dtoggles ignoring of Duke3D issues
corruptcheck_heinumtoggles auto-correcting inconsistent c/fstat bit 2 and heinum (2: also warn)021
keeptexturestretchtoggles keeping texture stretching when dragging wall vertices
corruptcheck {<seconds>|now|tryfix}sets auto corruption check interval if <seconds> given, otherwise as indicated
tint <pal> <r> <g> <b> <flags>queries or sets hightile tintingOpenGL-enabled builds only
lua 'Lua code...'runs Lua codeLunatic builds only
include <filenames...>compiles one or more M32 script files
do (m32 script ...)executes M32 script statements
script_infoshows information about compiled M32 script
script_expertmode <value>toggles M32 script expert mode
enableevent {all|EVENT_...|(event number)}
disableevent {all|EVENT_...|(event number)}
osd_tryscripttoggles execution of M32 script on invalid OSD command
sideview_reversehorizrottoggles reversion of Q and W keys in side view mode
disasm [s|e] <state or event number>debug builds only

Lua C God Mode Script Roblox

Lua C God Mode Script

Lua God Mode Script

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