Shimeji Hatsune Deviantart


Title:ハッピーシンセサイザ/Happy Synthesizer
Music & Lyrics:EasyPop

There are many shimeji characters to choose from. Each character has its own special behavior. This extension brings shimejis to the web browser and therefore they are now available to Chrome OS users as well. YouTube Shimeji - Hatsune Miku. DeviantArt Shimeji - OLIVER. Play with little shimejis while browsing the web.

Luka XS by ???
Gumi by mamama
TDA Luka Append by Agahat
TDA Gumi Append by Kamekichi1964

Shimeji Hatsune Deviantart Character

various sites

Stardome by trackdancer (
Techno Heart Stage by duekko (

Active Particle Light v.004
Adult Shader
Diffusion v.7
Object Luminous
Rainbow Line by LuvNami (
Serious Shader v.021
Sk3 Material Shader by ??




Video and camera:albie / digitalromance77 (

Shimeji Hatsune Deviantart

Shimeji Hatsune Deviantart Coloring Pages

The only THING I OWNED are just the video and camera data
If anyone wants to claims credits other than video and camera for the effects I used, please notify me and send me a direct link.

Took me 2 weeks to finish this because of real life works are really demanding and i just barely have spare time to do this…
Anyway, it’s done already though its somewhat plain but I managed to get my hands of this cool stage and new knowledge about using its unique feature which is a spectrum compatible stage… Many thanks to duekko for making this cool stage and also trackdancer who made the stardome… been abusing it since i found it on DA… The song I used to make mmd are somehow matched his stardome and leave me no other choice but to use it in almost all of my mmd vids…
Of course, I didn’t forget about the rainbow line by LuvNami… I think I’m gonna use her vector line on my future projects… (hopefully)

Shimeji Hatsune Deviantart Games

Lastly, all hail to me who finally managed to finish this accursed mmd, been through so many hardships on correcting the mistakes and glitches not to mention I’ve been re-rendering this mmd for over 17 times (no, i’m not kidding)… all just because of small mistakes and glitches… boob glitches, hair glitches, overlapping effects, overwhelming luminousity, etc etc…
Some suggestions: Never ever use autoluminous no matter what version it is when you use TDA models… try it and happy eye-burned :), its useless if you try to reduce its density or delete the blackmask, by doing so you’ll have your other model’s parts affected. Just use object luminous or key luminous and re-configure the density on parts you want to make it glow manually…
I won’t say this video is perfect, but I think it’s decent enough to be called “proper” if I count on the efforts I’ve put into this…
Nuff’ said, and enjoy…